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Dental Crowns - Porcelain, Gold and Castable Glass

Crowns are fitted when a tooth is badly damaged or a root canal filling is in place. The crown is created in a laboratory after the dentist has prepared and taken an impression of problem tooth. They are available in the following materials and we will advise you of all the options during your appointment:

  1. Porcelain - white or tooth coloured for the front teeth.
  2. Porcelain bonded to precious metal - a stronger alternative for back teeth.
  3. Gold - suitable for back teeth where they need to be strong enough to withstand biting pressures. Gold crowns are probably the most durable option, but can be cosmetically unappealing.
  4. Castable glass - created to give a natural appearance that is stronger than pure porcelain.

The before and after shows a porcelain/metal to a fully ceramic restoration. The restoration was required because of receding gums showing the underlying metal supporting the porcelain crowns. Please give us a call if you want any advice on porcelain and metal crowns.

The Treatment Plan

You will need to have at least two appointments if you have a crown fitted.

Appointment 1
Tooth preparation, impression, temporary crown.

  1. You will be given a local anesthetic around the working area before preparing the tooth.
  2. For the crown to work effectively the tooth will need to be reduced in size and shaped to both support the crown and to make sure it doesn't protrude.
  3. Once the tooth is prepared, your dentist will take an impression and a colour match from surrounding teeth. The crown will then be made in the laboratory by a dental technician.
  4. A temporary crown will be cemented into place ready for you second appointment.

Appointment 2
Cementing the permanent crown into place.

  1. You will be given another anesthetic to numb the area and then the dentist will remove the temporary crown.
  2. Once you and the dentist are happy with the fit and positioning of the crown, it will be cemented into place.