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Dentures can be partial or full. Partial dentures can replace a few missing teeth. Dentures can be fitted straight after teeth have been taken out so that no-one knows you have had teeth removed.

A partial denture is the easiest way of replacing missing teeth, but some people find this uncomfortable and eventually decide to have a bridge or implant made. A partial denture is a plate with false teeth attached to it. The plate is made of either plastic, or metal and plastic, usually with clips to keep it in place. Sometimes the retaining clips can be visible when you smile or or open your mouth, but this depends on the position of the false teeth and clips. We will be able to advice you on the range and suitability of the different types of plastic teeth available. Dentures which have teeth designed to give a more 'natural' appearance are available privately.

Dental Care

The denture will need to be removed from your mouth for cleaning. We will be able to show you how to clean it with a soft or medium bristled toothbrush and washing up liquid or liquid hand soap. Do not use toothpaste as it is too abrasive. Toothpaste will damage the acrylic denture surface by scratching it. This will promote bacterial adhesion and plaque formation. If you have a metal-based denture, be careful as some cleaners can corrode metal. Do not clean them in bleach or any other household cleaner. Never immerse them in boiling water.

Dentures should be removed at night in order to let the gum tissue rest. Wearing a denture 24 hours a day makes you more prone to fungal infections. When you are not wearing your dentures, always place them in a plastic bag with a drop of cold water to stop them drying out.