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Routine Fillings

Choose from either white or silver fillings. White fillings bond better and can be used to reshape or rebuild broken or worn teeth, although they are not always successful if the filling is very large. If this is the case then crowns or inlays can be used (which are a natural colour), but this may require more of the tooth to be removed and are consequently more expensive. Veneers can also be an alternative to fillings on the front teeth.

New materials are now available which have properties similar to those of amalgam (silver fillings), so the life expectancy of a white filling depends on where it is in your mouth and how heavy your bite is. We will be able to advice you on the best options for you.

The before and after shows how we replaced old and blackened silver fillings with new, white fillings. These advanced materials make your mouth look and feel natural and unscarred.

The Treatment Plan
You will need to have at least one appointment.
You will be give a local anesthetic to numb the area. We will remove the decay and some or all of the old filling (if cosmetic modification).
d The tooth will be washed and dried and the white or silver filling material will be put into the tooth and shaped.
d White fillings are hardened by pointing a blue light at the material used.
d Finally, the filling will be trimmed and polished.